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SIMPLE LIFE - 楊曉恩 Shawna Yang【2017歐巡紀錄片】

SIMPLE LIFE - 楊曉恩 Shawna Yang【2017歐巡紀錄片】

榮獲第四屆福爾摩沙國際電影節 【最佳紀錄短片獎】 【最佳紀錄短片配樂獎】 導演:胡皓翔 Sean Hu 監製:高亭誼 Evy Kao 出品:安玓音服文化有限公司 ANDmusic Service Lab 聯合製作:山楂果影像 Hawstudio、安玓音服文化有限公司 ANDmusic Service Lab 出演者:楊曉恩、Musicmusicmusic(瑞典)、Tuesday Microgrooves(奧地利) *本片獲文化部影視暨流行音樂產業局106年度硬地音樂行銷計畫補助* == SIMPLE LIFE 期許追求著簡單生活,但過程卻一點都不簡單。 第27屆金曲獎,楊曉恩專輯「Simple Life」大滿貫入圍流行演奏類四大獎項,並奪下當年度最佳演奏專輯大獎。獲獎的契機促使楊曉恩踏上海外音樂的旅程,在風光明媚的歐陸大地上,展開一連串的巡迴旅程,一路上歷經海陸空三地交通,分別於瑞典、奧地利兩地與當地的爵士樂團musicmusicmusic、Tuesday Microgrooves共演,與各地樂手對話關於屬於爵士樂手的自我認知定位,爵士樂之於他們是什麼?爵士樂之於楊曉恩又是什麼? 從未在台灣爵士教育缺席的楊曉恩,帶領指導近十年的台大騷動爵士大樂團,踏上了日本的交流之旅,並於台灣台中爵士音樂節參與演出,教學的旅程成就了另一段音樂生涯,陪伴成長的學生長成了每位獨立的樂手,老師與學生之間的交流、樂手與樂手之間的交流,從不停歇,一路向前... 導演胡皓翔真實記錄關於楊曉恩的Simple Life,從歐洲到台灣,記錄時長三年,橫跨瑞典、奧地利、台灣三地,楊曉恩與各地爵士音樂家的交流對話,不只音樂,更是人生。 忙亂的現世裡,願每人都有一個屬於自己的SIMPLE LIFE。 == 工作人員 Crew 攝影:胡皓翔 Cinematographer:Sean Hu 助理攝影:林佩賢、林得 Assistant Cameraman:Pei-Hsien Lin, Pitt Lin 平面攝影:余梓勤、林得 Photographer:Tzu-Chin Yu, Pitt Lin 剪接:張綺芳、姜又農 Film Editor:Emily Chang, Kip Nung 字幕編輯:高亭誼、張綺芳、龐亦雯、林得、陳碩頂、徐子益、池宛璇 Dialogue Editor:Evy Kao, Emily Chang, Yi-Wen Peng, Pitt Lin, Sho-Din Chen, Tzu-Yi Hsu, Chloe Chi 動畫設計:陳碩頂、張綺芳、姜又農 Animation:Sho-Din Chen, Emily Chang, Kip Nung 行政:高亭誼、龐亦雯 Administrator:Evy Kao, Yi-Wen Peng 字幕翻譯:林得、徐子益、高亭誼、鐘莉方 Subtitle Translation:Pitt Lin, Tzu-Yi Hsu, Evy Kao, Carolina Chung 影像資料提供:楊曉恩、藍介彤 Footage Providing:Shawna Yang, Chieh-Tong Lan 特別感謝:文化部影視暨流行音樂產業局、台中歐洲文化協會、打里摺建築藝術 Special Thanks, Ministry of Culture, Taiwan Taichung Association of European Creative & Cultural Industries Taritsi Archi *台灣 臺北爵士大樂隊 Taipei Jazz Orchestra 台大騷動爵士大樂團 NTU Riot Jazz Orchestra Blue Note蔡爸 Blue Note Taipei 2017 台北爵士音樂節 2017 Taipei Jazz Festival 中原大學 Chung Ying University 東門蛇窟 Dongmen Studio Chris Gao Photography 施尚廷 Tim Shih *瑞典 HOOB Record musicmusicmusic Family Kallerdahl Platsen, Gothenburg Båtbackens café, Styrsö Gerlesborgsskolan, Bohuslän Club Fasching, Stockholm *奧地利 Tuesday Microgrooves Family Radl Chia-Tyan Yang Grabherhaus Fürstenfeld, Fürstenfeld 1019 Jazzclub, Vienna
Ocean Cleaning Boat Reduces Microplastics | Our Ocean

Ocean Cleaning Boat Reduces Microplastics | Our Ocean

A new ocean cleaning boat is helping eliminate microplastics and other marine pollution! See how it protects ocean ecosystems and learn how similar inventions have inspired its creation. Chen Szu-ying and her team are cleaning up ocean trash, just as Boyan Slat is doing with The Ocean Cleanup. But instead of collecting trash from rivers or the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Chen’s project focuses on retrieving trash from ports and coastal waters. The team has created the equivalent of an autonomous ocean garbage truck. This remote-controlled water craft is designed specifically for collecting marine debris, and the team behind the project looks forward to taking its invention global. In the first episode of this five-part series, we delve into the process behind creating this innovative ocean cleaner. Follow along as we witness the experimentation that goes into designing something as delicate yet important as the Azure Fighter cleaning craft. Interviews with the team reveal the factors that influence the outcome of ocean cleaning projects, as well as the challenges that teams like these face. At the same time, they shine a light on why cleaning up harbors and ports is just as important as cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Chapters: 00:00 - Reducing Marine Microplastics Through Innovation 01:20 - Our Ocean: The Fight for Sustainability 02:17 - How Marine Waste Arrives in Taiwan 03:37 - Different Methods of Trash Collection 05:30 - The Challenges of Deploying Harbor-Cleaning Boats 06:01 - Dangers of Plastic Waste 07:01 - Creating an Automated Ocean Vacuum Cleaner 09:30 - Azure Fighter Prototype Craft 12:01 - Design Improvements to Azure Fighter 2.0 14:52 - Funding Ocean Cleanup Projects 18:38 - Crowdfunding Advances the Project 19:28 - Tackling the World’s Marine Debris Problem #TheOceanCleanup #OurOcean #TaiwanPlus #microplastics #oceanpollution #sustainability —————————————————————— It's time to put our oceans first. Our Ocean: The Fight for Sustainability is a five-part documentary series that presents innovative ways to sustain the environment most precious to us. All these methods come from the islands of Taiwan and aim to highlight the connection we as humans should have with our oceans. Join us as we explore the methods we can use to protect marine habitats, as well as how these methods can be expanded into other areas of the world. ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 🌏 TaiwanPlus | Taiwan to the World Breaking news and original programs. All things Taiwan at your fingertips. Visit our website » 📱 Connect with TaiwanPlus » Like us on Facebook: » Tweet us on Twitter: » Follow us on Instagram: 🇹🇼 About TaiwanPlus TaiwanPlus is the premier international media platform providing English-language news and entertainment from Taiwan, at the heart of the most dynamic and fastest growing region on Earth.
Get Paid for Ocean Cleanup With Sustainable Beach Coin | Our Ocean

Get Paid for Ocean Cleanup With Sustainable Beach Coin | Our Ocean

Can ocean cleanup efforts echo the spirit of a community? This episode explores how Taiwan rewards its citizens for moving toward zero waste. Off the southwestern coast of Taiwan lies a small but important island, Xiaoliuqiu. Often called Liuqiu Island, Xiaoliuqiu receives 100,000 visitors each year, and the amount of trash they leave behind poses a growing problem. But the locals can’t sustain their lives without these tourists either. So, conservationist Kuo Fu and her team adopted the “beach coin”: a sustainable currency that rewards people for cleaning up the local beaches. Following their lead, many civil groups and individuals have joined the cause as well, coming up with other innovative ways to make living on Xiaoliuqiu sustainable without creating unnecessary waste. In this second episode of Our Ocean: The Fight for Sustainability, we discover how the “beach coin” is bringing an island closer to sustainability. Not only is it the various methods of conservation used, but it’s also the people of the island that make it work. After all, sustainability is not just a job, it’s a way of life. Chapters: 00:00 - Xiaoliuqiu Island Sets a Sustainable Example 02:17 - Tourism’s Impact on Small Islands 03:31 - Taiwan’s Only Coral Reef Island 04:30 - How Does Tourism Impact Xiaoliuqiu? 06:49 - Balancing Tourism and Environmental Protection 07:39 - What Is a Beach Coin? 11:34 - Xiaoliuqiu’s Strong Sense of Community 15:28 - How the Beach Coin Promotes Education 16:58 - Xiaoliuqiu Is an International Migration Hub for Sea Turtles 18:27 - Other Eco-Friendly Projects Inspired by Beach Coin 21:52 - Beach Coins Engage Local Stakeholders in Environmental Conservation #OurOcean #TaiwanPlus #oceancleanup #zerowaste #sustainability —————————————————————— It's time to put our oceans first. Our Ocean: The Fight for Sustainability is a five-part documentary series that presents innovative ways to sustain the environment most precious to us. All these methods come from the islands of Taiwan and aim to highlight the connection we as humans should have with our oceans. Join us as we explore the methods we can use to protect marine habitats, as well as how these methods can be expanded into other areas of the world. ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 🌏 TaiwanPlus | Taiwan to the World Breaking news and original programs. All things Taiwan at your fingertips. Visit our website » 📱 Connect with TaiwanPlus » Like us on Facebook: » Tweet us on Twitter: » Follow us on Instagram: 🇹🇼 About TaiwanPlus TaiwanPlus is the premier international media platform providing English-language news and entertainment from Taiwan, at the heart of the most dynamic and fastest growing region on Earth.
Biodiversity Restored Through Ecotourism | Our Ocean

Biodiversity Restored Through Ecotourism | Our Ocean

Learn how Taiwan uses ecotourism to educate visitors about overfishing and threats to biodiversity. Overfishing threatens the health of marine ecosystems and has been a global issue for years. It exacts a huge environmental cost, especially on island nations like Taiwan where fishing is of disproportionate importance to the local economy. Yet, this threat to local economies and the global environment has also birthed innovative conservation methods that may help us escape this cycle of destruction. Take Penghu, for instance. An archipelago off the west coast of Taiwan, Penghu is famous for its rich biodiversity. In recent years, local organizations have revived traditional fishing methods and restored life to the industry. Retired fishermen now advocate for eco-friendly fishing methods, and local tour guides use visitors’ dining habits to educate them about the life cycles of local fish. Amid global talk of dwindling coral populations, conservationists in Taiwan develop artificial coral reefs using innovative farming techniques. Come along and witness a delicate dance of tradition and adaptation as Taiwan reveals a glimmer of hope in the face of a tricky challenge. Chapters: 00:00 - Our Ocean: The Fight for Sustainability 02:16 - Can the Fishing Industry Become More Sustainable? 03:48 - Global Fish Stocks Are Rapidly Depleting 08:36 - Importance of Coral Restoration 11:20 - Managing Tourism to Protect Coral Reefs 12:21 - Penghu’s Unique Challenges for Coral Cultivation 13:27 - Passive Fishing with Stone Weirs 16:59 - Fish Markets Are Used to Educate Visitors 20:05 - Ecotourism Hotspot: Suogang, Penghu #ecotourism #OurOcean #TaiwanPlus #biodiversity #overfishing #coralreefs —————————————————————— It's time to put our oceans first. Our Ocean: The Fight for Sustainability is a five-part documentary series that presents innovative ways to sustain the environment most precious to us. All these methods come from the islands of Taiwan and aim to highlight the connection we as humans should have with our oceans. Join us as we explore the methods we can use to protect marine habitats, as well as how these methods can be expanded into other areas of the world. ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ 🌏 TaiwanPlus | Taiwan to the World Breaking news and original programs. All things Taiwan at your fingertips. Visit our website » 📱 Connect with TaiwanPlus » Like us on Facebook: » Tweet us on Twitter: » Follow us on Instagram: 🇹🇼 About TaiwanPlus TaiwanPlus is the premier international media platform providing English-language news and entertainment from Taiwan, at the heart of the most dynamic and fastest growing region on Earth.


#花絮好好看 #大人世界篇 最愛的花絮又來了🎉 其實老實講長大後的戲以及情感細節,是越看越有味道💙💙💙 看完花絮都想再刷一次了🤣🤣🤣 —— Profiter du moment —— #刻在你心底的名字🎺全台103間影城現正熱映中 📍玩美彩妝合作專屬素材包: 📍水靈文創丨電影小說、寫真網路及實體通路熱賣中 👉 📍#Life8 電影專屬團T、毛巾👉 📍如有團票及包場需求請私訊粉專或撥 (02)8911-8997#12 JoJo --------------------------------- 【刻在心底傳送門】 ✍電影主題曲_盧廣仲《刻在我心底的名字》👉 ✍電影宣傳曲_龔言脩《HELLO》 ✍️前導預告👉 ✍️超前導預告👉 ✍️花絮1_演員篇👉 ✍️花絮2_音樂篇👉 ✍️花絮3_主創團隊篇👉 ✍️花絮4_禁忌愛情篇👉 ✍️花絮5_大人世界篇👉 【官方帳號刻在心底】 ✍️國際粉絲專頁👉 Your Name Engraved Herein(2020 Taiwan Film) ✍️官方YOUTUBE👉 ✍️官方IG👉刻在你心底的名字 --------------------------------- 出品│ 氧氣電影│ 中環國際娛樂事業股份有限公司 │ 百聿數碼創意 Bossdom│ MM2 Entertainment Taiwan│ 三皇生物科技股份有限公司 監製│ 瞿友寧 導演│ 柳廣輝 (Patrick Liu) 協力編劇│詹傑│ 吳翰杰AlcatelWu 花絮剪輯 | 山楂果影像製作有限公司-HawStudio 發行│ Sony Pictures 索尼影業 製作│ 氧氣電影 行銷│ 結果娛樂 演員│ 陳昊森Edward Chen │ 曾敬驊 │ 邵奕玫 米米│ 戴立忍 │ 王識賢 │ 龍劭華 │ 王彩樺-台灣濱崎步 │ Fabio Grangeon - 法比歐│吳承洋 │陳怡叡│林暉閔 #想念 #初戀 #今年夏天 #心中的名字 #獻給最懂愛的你


在電影裡,為了呈現80年代的氛圍,除了主題曲外,也出現許多不同音樂性質的配樂。 🎼故事以管樂社學生為背景,演員們在開拍前也特地集訓上了音樂課,與樂器培養感情,猜猜昊森🎺跟敬驊🎷分別吹奏哪種樂器呢??? 🎼主題曲由多次與瞿友寧監製合作的 #盧廣仲 再次獻聲,不僅催淚動人,在裡面也幫助演員入戲,加分不少。「我是看完了電影,再進去錄音室配唱,所以大概知道想著哪些畫面更有感覺。」─ 盧廣仲 🎼這次配樂也邀請了 #侯志堅老師 統籌,整部電影配樂也加入許多管弦樂的成分。感謝大提琴手 #陳主惠老師、小號手 #魏廣皓老師。 「他們有呼喊過、有爭取過、有感覺到無力,我要讓這件事情,表現在我的旋律動機上。」─ #侯志堅 🎼「背景設定在1987年,我們用了30年前的歌曲,蔡藍欽 《這個世界》、陳昇《擁擠的樂園》,希望這些歌曲,在30年後,可以告訴大家更要勇敢、更應該美麗、做自己。」─ 柳廣輝 (Patrick Liu) --------------------------------- 📢台北簽書見面會詳情👉 📢全台口碑場搶先上映 9/25-9/27 (請洽全台上映戲院) 📢如有團票及包場需求請私訊粉專或撥(02)8911-8997#12 JoJo --------------------------------- 【刻在心底傳送門】 ✍電影主題曲👉 ✍正式預告👉 ✍前導預告👉 ✍超前導預告👉 ✍花絮1_演員篇👉 【官方帳號刻在心底】 ✍國際粉絲專頁👉 Your Name Engraved Herein(2020 Taiwan Film) ✍官方YOUTUBE👉 ✍官方IG👉刻在你心底的名字 --------------------------------- 出品│ 氧氣電影│ #中環國際娛樂事業股份有限公司 │ 百聿數碼創意 Bossdom│ MM2 Entertainment Taiwan│ 三皇生物科技股份有限公司 監製│瞿友寧   導演│ 柳廣輝 (Patrick Liu)   協力編劇│#詹傑│ #吳翰杰AlcatelWu 花絮剪輯 | 山楂果影像製作有限公司-HawStudio 發行│ Sony Pictures 索尼影業 製作│ 氧氣電影 行銷│ 結果娛樂 演員│ 陳昊森Edward Chen│ 曾敬驊 │ 邵奕玫 米米│ #戴立忍 │ #王識賢 │ 龍劭華 │ 王彩樺-台灣濱崎步 │ Fabio Grangeon - 法比歐 #想念 #初戀 #今年夏天 #心中的名字 #獻給最懂愛的你
華文朗讀節 | 活動紀錄

Emily Chang

新聞系畢業,從事過編輯、企劃、製片等工作,因為宅性使然決定成為一名剪接。使用 Adobe 系統作業,有基礎動畫與繪圖能力輔助,擅長化繁為簡​,對檔案管理有強迫症

As a film editor, I work with Adobe systems and have basic animation and drawing skills to support my work. I excel at simplifying complexities and have a strong habit of file management, ensuring orderly handling of large volumes of materials.

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